
  • 1. Kelvin Haynes “Absolute Zero”

    2. Corey Carlisle “Nocturnal”

    3. Courtney Pulley “Cold Flow”

    4. Ryan Cole “Snake Eyes”

    5. Damon Smith “Avalanche”

    6. Jarvis Ruff “Cold Sweat”

    8. Diontre Pewitte “Mr. Freeze”

    9. Heath Norton “Cool Breeze”

  • 1. Byron Mischeaux “Amiri”

    2. Malcolm Williams “TimberWolfe”

    3. Dewey Clark “Triple Threat”

    4. Brian Moore “Golden Child”

    5. Jari Coleman “Amili”

    6. Nathan Sykes “N.ICE

    7. Terry Wilson “Cold Cut”

    8. Atah Knighten “Iced Out”

    9. Brandon Brown “Glacier”

    10. Shannon Thompson “Cephus”

  • 1. Brian Givens "Frozen Solid"

    2. Gregory Jones "Imhotep"

    3. Michael Griffin "Shakespeare"

    4. Byron Whitmore "Enigma"

  • 1. Havis Wright "Brain Freeze"

    2. Brandon Tilghman "Sacrif-ICE"

    3. Brandon Owens "Golden Touch"

    4. Michel Forbes "Goldberg"

  • 1. Alemayhu Ayanaw “Anbesa”

    2. Jerico Riley “Great Depression”

    3. Philip Watson “Ice Cubed”

    4. Christopher Addae “Superman”

    5. Dorian Danials “Ice Age”

    6. Darrien Echols”Alcatraz

  • 1. Brandon H. Common “Sugar Bear”

    2. Bryan Jay Bowman “ICE.Soul.ation”

    3. Robert Hughes “aTREyu”

    4. D’Markus Wiggins “32 Degreez”

    5. Tony Hines “The Chosen 5th”

    6. Dean Kpere-Daibo “ONYX”

    7. Branden Gregory “Slow Motion”

    8. Louis Byrd “LyrICal”

    9. Canaan Parham “InPHInite”

    10. Eric L. Johnson “Phenomenal”

  • 1. Matthew Oates “Lite ICE”

    2. TaRael Kee “Achilles”

    3. Josh Copeland “ICE Tre”

    4. Andom Gherezghiher “Herkut”

    5. Rickey Lee “Mr. PrecICE”

    6. Andrew Nyanzi “Drew nICE”

    7. Raymond Sanders “FranchICE”

  • 1. Aaron Henderson “StONE Cold”

    2. Branden Bailey “Thin ICE”

    3. Gerald McLemore II “Thutmose”

    4. Dominique Robinson “D-Frost”

    5. Domonique Johnson “Gelid Fury”

    6. Rickey Leathers “King Midas”

  • 1. Jawann Pollard “The Alchemist”

    2. Montel Evans “BI-POLAR”

    3. Jonathan Snipes “Gold Mine”

    4. Arron Brown “Foursight”

    5. Brian Washington “ROCK-A-Phella”

  • 1. Kendall Dumas “mICEstro”

    2. Anthony Martin “The Hulk”

    3. Brian Hamilton “Icarus”

    4. Nkazimulo Ngwenyama “Lion King”

  • 1. Kyle Shannon “Black Out”

    2. Jamal Andress “A/C”

    3. Jeremy Ellis “ILLmatic”

 Dy·nas·ty Noun \ˈdī-nə-stē also -ˌnas-tē,
n. pl. dy·nas·ties
* A succession of rulers from the same family or line.
* A family or group that maintains power for several generations: a political dynasty controlling the state.
v. con·tin·ued, con·tin·u·ing, con·tin·ues
v. intr.
* To go on with a particular action or in a particular condition; persist. AND
* To exist over a prolonged period; last.